What’s in a Fedge - part 2

Sometimes you can spend days and days coming up with an idea, forming that idea into a more concrete plan, then learning everything you can about how to make that plan work, only to ultimately be convinced that you are doing something wrong. Then again, sometimes it’s just another variation of imposter syndrome. According to Wikipedia Imposter Syndrome is defined as follows: a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud. If this doesn’t sound like you I’m glad, as it’s definitely something that I struggle with sometimes, and that’s okay.

It’s okay, because Imposter Syndrome, like several forms of anxiety and depression, is another way that brains lie to us in our everyday lives. Today I’m opting to celebrate the small victories that are present around me.

Tiny green branches sprouting from willow cuttings

It’s Really Happening!

Though it isn’t shown here many of the cuttings are rooting, which is just a fantastic sign. Now, I realize that getting willow cuttings to sprout in water isn’t exactly a huge achievement as it’s basically their specialty, but I’m still quite excited to see what the future holds for these little plant babies.

Post Script: Occasionally you go into something like writing a blog entry with something at least vaguely resembling a plan, like thinking “Hey, the willow is sprouting! Cool! Let’s talk about that!”, and then you just get sidetracked by other topics. Does this ever happen to you? If so, let me know in the comments below.


Raised Bed Materials


Oh by gosh by golly - part 1