Gardening can be different things for different people, and that’s okay. Folks may choose to garden to save money on food, or to try different produce than what is available in their area. Others may garden for the sense of food security that it can provide, or to provide food for folks who are less fortunate than themselves. Gardening can be done for fun, or to beautify your yard, or as a way to get outside more. Maybe you garden as a way to expand your knowledge, or to grow competitively. There’s really a plethora of reasons (many of which I’m sure I missed here) for someone to take up the hobby of gardening. For me gardening brings a sense of peace, I like to think of it as I’m feeling good because I’m doing my best to be a good steward of the land and I feel that there’s honor in that notion.

Below you will find a selection of links to pages detailing what my garden was like at different stages of my donning the gardener’s gloves and embracing the hobby. You’ll also find a link to the gardening related projects that I’m currently working on.